(This post would serve you best if you first read Exodus 32 and part 1 of this devotional series.)
Are we to think of Moses as more loving and forgiving because he interceded for Israel to a ANGRY God?
First, Moses was not the one being sinned against, God was. Second, Moses did not yet know what God was angry about when He told him His plans.
However, I would argue that would God had not have been gracious to keep Moses from seeing what Israel had been doing, when relaying His plan, Moses would NOT have interceded!
Now that’s a thought!
I believe this can be argued by the response we see of Moses when he does see what Israel had been doing (Exodus 32:19b-20,26-27). Which is significantly different than what we see in Exodus 32:11-13.
One more thing should be commented about in this age in which we live in. What caused Moses to act so violently and angry for what Israel was doing? I believe it was born out of a zeal for the LORD!
Moses had removed himself from the sin of the world and had spent along time in the presence of God’s holiness. So when Moses returns to behold sin, we see the manifestation of how one should respond to sin. That is, out of a love for righteousness and hatred against unrighteousness.
This is the proper reaction against sin out of a zeal for the LORD and His HOLINESS!
Questions to ask yourself:
1. Whats does this inform me about the music I listen to?
2. What does this teach me about: God, my heart, and movies?
3. What does this call for with what we allow before our eyes?
4. Does my heart respond the same way as Moses does when I sin or am exposed to it?
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