This spring semester I had a class called “Contemporary Issues in Science.” It was a really cool class! We had a lot of time designated to discussion in the class concerning major issues concerning ethics and contemporary science. Things like, genetic engineering, abortions, contraceptives, and tons of other issues. I had to write a paper on contraceptives and abortions. I had to develop a Biblical worldview and ethic and compare it with the science developments and explain how those issues should be seen by a Christian.
Upon doing my research I became sick with some of the information I was getting from the sources I used in my paper. Here’s the facts I came too. In 1973 America legalized abortions in every state. Since then there has been a continual increase in the amount of abortions each year when compared to the previous year. The book I was using was published in 2002. It stated that abortions were increasing by 1.6% each year. It also stated that in 2002 there was 1.4 MILLION abortions in the United States alone. I don’t know if that number registers for you but I did some more research to compare those numbers with other major events in history.
For example, since the war in Iraq has started (March 20, 2003) there has been 3,376 casualties in combat(That’s just over 5 years). Now that is a lot of people. And tied with each one of those people are loved ones and family members. However, there are 4,000 murders (abortions) of innocent children EVERYDAY in the U.S. alone! SHOCKING! I hope you are repulsed and disturbed, because you should be. This is a sad, sad, sad thing. But it get’s worse!
If I were to take ALL of the casualties of Americans in combat from the entire history of America. That is, if I were to add up all of the deaths from all of the wars in U.S history (including WWI & WWII) and then in addition to that add in all the deaths from the Holocaust it would add up to 13,760,572 deaths! That is a whole lot of people. What would you think if I told you that the amount of legalized murder of innocent children (abortions)that were done in the U.S. since 1973 more than doubles that amount? From 1973-2002 there have been over 40,000,000 ABORTIONS! However, today the death toll of innocent children in the U.S. is now over 50,000,000!!! This is genocide! Legalized genocide!
However, there is something you can do about this! This year you have the opportunity to vote. There are two candidates running. Barack H. Obama and John Mccain are the two candidates. Obama is arguably the biggest advocate for pro-choice to ever run for President. Mccain has a history and has promised to continue to be pro-life. Not only does Mccain have the ability to cut back the amount of abortions done in the United States, but also, he will have an opportunity to bring in another conservative (pro-life) supreme court judge (SCJ)! This is huge, because, we only need to have one more SCJ to have a majority of conservative SCJ. What this means is, if Mccain gets in office we could overturn the legalized abortions in the United States.
One major response I will likely get and so I thought it best to give it now is this, “Stephen, there are other important issues concerning this election other than this one topic.” I agree. However, can you think of a more pressing issue? 150 years ago there was a thing called legalized slavery. This slavery treated human beings who were less powerful as property. A man named William Wilberfore dedicated his life to stop this horrific affair. He died before seeing his dream come true. That is, to see all mankind treated equal. There were many in his time who agreed with him on his view of slavery. However, they thought it would be foolish to vote the overturn of slavery because it effected so many issues, thing like: the economy, power of the nation, the current war and other things! We look back at those people and think, “how foolish, selfish, and lost they must have been!” And yet, we are making the same mistake today! America has legalized slavery all over again. The human being in a mothers womb is not treated free! The child is not treated equal! The innocent dependent child is seen as property of the mother to “choose” whatever she wants to do with it! Please I beg you all! Do not make the same mistake our forefathers made!
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