I personally want to invite and plead with everyone to make time to listen to this sermon! Click on my link for sermon audio when you get to the site go to the link sermon by speaker after you have gone there in list look for Paul Washer. There will be a list of sermons there and click "play" for the sermon entitle "The Gospel: The Cross of Christ". I am confident it will administer grace to you! Please! Again, make time to listen to this sermon it is along one but again it will be more benficial to you then wathcing a movie or just surfing the web. Those who are married perhaps turn it into a date night and get it out and sit on the couch and listen to this sermon together. Please take advantage of this opportunity! God bless you all!!!
This blog is reserved for proclaiming the Unfathomable Riches of Christ. Enjoy!!!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
The Gospel: The Cross of Christ
I personally want to invite and plead with everyone to make time to listen to this sermon! Click on my link for sermon audio when you get to the site go to the link sermon by speaker after you have gone there in list look for Paul Washer. There will be a list of sermons there and click "play" for the sermon entitle "The Gospel: The Cross of Christ". I am confident it will administer grace to you! Please! Again, make time to listen to this sermon it is along one but again it will be more benficial to you then wathcing a movie or just surfing the web. Those who are married perhaps turn it into a date night and get it out and sit on the couch and listen to this sermon together. Please take advantage of this opportunity! God bless you all!!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I am a man of unclean lips and I live amongst a people of unclean lips!
As I continue through Ephesians I seem to be contiually reminded of the depravity of my own heart! It is amazing of what an effect the Word of God can have on you. Is it not?
The book of James speaks of the Bible as being a mirror at which we are able to accurately see ourselves. Sadly, the more I see of myself from scripture, the more I see that which I hate!
This not necessarily a bad thing!
See, this is the point of the gospel! It's not something we do once for salvation and never look to again. The gospel is the "power of God" by which I continually place my trust and hope because I find none within myself.
My hope is in Christ! My faith is in the God that "chose me" , "saved me" and is now making me like Christ. It is not done by my efforts! For this is clear in scriptures, that I can find no hope in myself, but I can have all the hope there is in Christ who works in me!
This being said, I am basically giving the ground work to speak on what sin is in me that God has recently exposed with His Light (the Word).
Here's the passage I was reflecting on:
"Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love. Just as Christ loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God, as a fragant aroma. But immorality and all impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper as saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which is not fitting, but rather giving of thanks."
Now, growing up, I have often prided myself in the fact that I have never said a "swear word". I am not gonna get into which words qualify as the swear words and which are thought as minor bad words. The point is that I have never seen myself as being one who struggles with sinning with my mouth.
OH! How much more WRONG could I be!
Not only am I guilty of not fulfilling what I am "to do" with my mouth which is stated in Eph. 4:29 as well as the end of 5:4. That is to "ONLY" use my mouth to edify, to build up, and to give thanks. But also, I am guilty of often both allowing for filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting to entertain me, and to use them myself to entertain or amuse others!
After reflecting on how horribly I have failed in fulfilling what I am commanded to do.I was then burdened for all those around me who are guilty of the exact same thing and probably not thought twice about it, as did I!
Oh how I wish someone would have shown me sooner the sin I have allowed in my life for soooo long! My life was filled with this. Movies and my own conversation have been often fillled with this and yet I go on as though I was innocent of this sin.
If only we could view sin as God does! We seem to think that we can Love God and Love righteousness and not have to hate sin and wickedness equally as much.
But the truth is we fool ourselves. For our hearts ARE desperately wicked and decietful above all things who can know it!
The truth is one cannot "love" something anymore than that same person "hates" the antithesis of that thing he claims to love!
You see, I "LOVE" babies, and so I "HATE" abortion!
We tend to not so much hate sin and wickedness as much as be "uncomfortable" with it. And yet scriptures speak of sin as the very thing God will pour out His WRATH on. How then are we different from the world if we do not HATE sin? For I know unbelieving people who are uncomfortable with sin as well, but they do not hate it!
We seem to be "ok" with compromising sin in things that we watch or listen to or even say because well, "it's not THAT bad" or "it doesn't really effect me".
These are lies from our own decietful hearts and the evil one! If We truly love all that is right and good then we will truly hate all that is bad and wicked and will do whatever we can to seperate ourselves from that which is impure.
Is this not what God does?
So the challenge has been to me and I hope to you as well is to "examine yourself". what are you feeding yourself. what are you allowing yourself to delight in? Are you laying aside the "old man" or are you feeding him with this wickedness.
Guard yourselves! Be careful dear brothers and sisters what you allow yourself to watch and listen to! I implore with all my heart to seperate from that which is unclean and impure with all fervency. Guard your tongue and watch what you say.
Does what comes out of your mouth line up with this list of: filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting, or does what you say line up with that which is pure, profitable, and edifiying to those around you, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
I close with a passage from James.
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts you double-minded."
-James 4:8
The book of James speaks of the Bible as being a mirror at which we are able to accurately see ourselves. Sadly, the more I see of myself from scripture, the more I see that which I hate!
This not necessarily a bad thing!
See, this is the point of the gospel! It's not something we do once for salvation and never look to again. The gospel is the "power of God" by which I continually place my trust and hope because I find none within myself.
My hope is in Christ! My faith is in the God that "chose me" , "saved me" and is now making me like Christ. It is not done by my efforts! For this is clear in scriptures, that I can find no hope in myself, but I can have all the hope there is in Christ who works in me!
This being said, I am basically giving the ground work to speak on what sin is in me that God has recently exposed with His Light (the Word).
Here's the passage I was reflecting on:
"Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love. Just as Christ loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God, as a fragant aroma. But immorality and all impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper as saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which is not fitting, but rather giving of thanks."
Now, growing up, I have often prided myself in the fact that I have never said a "swear word". I am not gonna get into which words qualify as the swear words and which are thought as minor bad words. The point is that I have never seen myself as being one who struggles with sinning with my mouth.
OH! How much more WRONG could I be!
Not only am I guilty of not fulfilling what I am "to do" with my mouth which is stated in Eph. 4:29 as well as the end of 5:4. That is to "ONLY" use my mouth to edify, to build up, and to give thanks. But also, I am guilty of often both allowing for filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting to entertain me, and to use them myself to entertain or amuse others!
After reflecting on how horribly I have failed in fulfilling what I am commanded to do.I was then burdened for all those around me who are guilty of the exact same thing and probably not thought twice about it, as did I!
Oh how I wish someone would have shown me sooner the sin I have allowed in my life for soooo long! My life was filled with this. Movies and my own conversation have been often fillled with this and yet I go on as though I was innocent of this sin.
If only we could view sin as God does! We seem to think that we can Love God and Love righteousness and not have to hate sin and wickedness equally as much.
But the truth is we fool ourselves. For our hearts ARE desperately wicked and decietful above all things who can know it!
The truth is one cannot "love" something anymore than that same person "hates" the antithesis of that thing he claims to love!
You see, I "LOVE" babies, and so I "HATE" abortion!
We tend to not so much hate sin and wickedness as much as be "uncomfortable" with it. And yet scriptures speak of sin as the very thing God will pour out His WRATH on. How then are we different from the world if we do not HATE sin? For I know unbelieving people who are uncomfortable with sin as well, but they do not hate it!
We seem to be "ok" with compromising sin in things that we watch or listen to or even say because well, "it's not THAT bad" or "it doesn't really effect me".
These are lies from our own decietful hearts and the evil one! If We truly love all that is right and good then we will truly hate all that is bad and wicked and will do whatever we can to seperate ourselves from that which is impure.
Is this not what God does?
So the challenge has been to me and I hope to you as well is to "examine yourself". what are you feeding yourself. what are you allowing yourself to delight in? Are you laying aside the "old man" or are you feeding him with this wickedness.
Guard yourselves! Be careful dear brothers and sisters what you allow yourself to watch and listen to! I implore with all my heart to seperate from that which is unclean and impure with all fervency. Guard your tongue and watch what you say.
Does what comes out of your mouth line up with this list of: filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting, or does what you say line up with that which is pure, profitable, and edifiying to those around you, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
I close with a passage from James.
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts you double-minded."
-James 4:8
Thursday, April 26, 2007
check out this blog!
Everyone should check out the blog on Adam's site! Just click my link to Adam's Blog and you can read it there! I am confident that it will be a blessing to you! God bless everyone! I hope to have a new blog up for you soon!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Every part is NEEDED!!!
In the Last blog we looked at some important gifts that are given to the Church for the building up of it.
It is has often been thought, although not often said, that these gifts: Apostleship, Prophecy, Evangelists, Pastors and teachers are more important than some of the other gifts that are given to the church for the building up of itself.
This thought is so destructive!
It IS taught in scripture that EVERY part is necessary for the building up of the Church. Please follow me in Ephesians 4.
"Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of statue which belongs to the fullness of Christ. So then we will no longer be children tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the TRUTH in LOVE, we are to grow up in ALL aspects into Him who is the head, Christ. From whom the body being fitted and held together by what EVERY JOINT SUPPLIES, according to the proper working of each INDIVIDUAL PART, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."
I put the all the words I wanted to emphasize in all caps.
When I first came across this passage I was so greatly distured in my soul. And this is why, I am a firm believer in God's sovereignty and it has long been my conviction that Christ build's His Church, Christ will build HIMSELF a temple.
Indeed, this is what it says in Matthew 16:18. However, there is more to the story yet to be revealed by God to His holy Apostles and Prophets concerning this mystery of Christ.
And so here we are with my dilemma, "If Christ builds His Church how then is this passage saying it is 'fitted' and "held" together by ALL the parts which 'causes the growth'?"
This, however, after much prayer and meditating became a passage of scripture that has most encouraged me these past few days.
Christ, indeed, is and will continue to build His Church. And nothing not even the gates of Hell are going to stop Him! But here is the cool part, what the Ephesians passages then answers is "how is He going to build it?"
CHRIST is both working IN us and THROUGH us to build His church. And it is absolutely crucial that every part does it's job. I need the brother in Africa so that I may grow! And there are brothers in China who need me so that they may grow. And if one part of the body were to fail, then the church would cease from growing!
This is a HUGE and IMPORTANT truth that needs to be proclaimed more often dear brothers and sisters! Know this! You are important not because of what you can do! But because of what God IS doing THROUGH you.
Remeber back when we were examining Ephesians 3 and we saw that God answers request according to the "power" that works "within US". This is the same idea!
Paul has taken it from, chapter 3, an individual basis and is now showing this on a universal scale! This brings me much joy that God is working THROUGH ME not only to make me like Christ! But He is also working THROUGH ME constantly to cause the growth of every single one of my dear brothers and sisters to be like Christ.
God works through us in such a way that the Temple of God is both "fitted" and "held together" by what every single one of us supplies. And He does this how?
"...according to the proper working of each individual part..."
Are you beginning to see this GLORIOUS TRUTH?
Jesus, after purchasing for us redemption, the Holy Spirit, and so much more on the cross, ascended into the highest point where He is seated and sent us the HOLY SPIRIT who distributes among the church specific and crucial gifts perfectly appointed for its particular good work which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them! And in return God is glorifed for being both the author and finisher of His Temple in which He dwells and will soon (Maranatha) dwell in the fullness of His glory!
I rejoice in this truth and I will continue to rejoice in this TRUTH!
And I rejoice in knowing that the Spirit inside of you rejoices with me! I would like to close with a passage of scripture I closed another blog with that I feel is applicable.
"Now to Him who is able to do for more abundantly beyond ALL that we ask or think, according to the POWER that works within US, to HIM be the GLORY in the Church and in Christ Jesus, to ALL GENERATIONS forever and ever! AMEN!"
-God through the Apostle Paul
It is has often been thought, although not often said, that these gifts: Apostleship, Prophecy, Evangelists, Pastors and teachers are more important than some of the other gifts that are given to the church for the building up of itself.
This thought is so destructive!
It IS taught in scripture that EVERY part is necessary for the building up of the Church. Please follow me in Ephesians 4.
"Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of statue which belongs to the fullness of Christ. So then we will no longer be children tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the TRUTH in LOVE, we are to grow up in ALL aspects into Him who is the head, Christ. From whom the body being fitted and held together by what EVERY JOINT SUPPLIES, according to the proper working of each INDIVIDUAL PART, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."
I put the all the words I wanted to emphasize in all caps.
When I first came across this passage I was so greatly distured in my soul. And this is why, I am a firm believer in God's sovereignty and it has long been my conviction that Christ build's His Church, Christ will build HIMSELF a temple.
Indeed, this is what it says in Matthew 16:18. However, there is more to the story yet to be revealed by God to His holy Apostles and Prophets concerning this mystery of Christ.
And so here we are with my dilemma, "If Christ builds His Church how then is this passage saying it is 'fitted' and "held" together by ALL the parts which 'causes the growth'?"
This, however, after much prayer and meditating became a passage of scripture that has most encouraged me these past few days.
Christ, indeed, is and will continue to build His Church. And nothing not even the gates of Hell are going to stop Him! But here is the cool part, what the Ephesians passages then answers is "how is He going to build it?"
CHRIST is both working IN us and THROUGH us to build His church. And it is absolutely crucial that every part does it's job. I need the brother in Africa so that I may grow! And there are brothers in China who need me so that they may grow. And if one part of the body were to fail, then the church would cease from growing!
This is a HUGE and IMPORTANT truth that needs to be proclaimed more often dear brothers and sisters! Know this! You are important not because of what you can do! But because of what God IS doing THROUGH you.
Remeber back when we were examining Ephesians 3 and we saw that God answers request according to the "power" that works "within US". This is the same idea!
Paul has taken it from, chapter 3, an individual basis and is now showing this on a universal scale! This brings me much joy that God is working THROUGH ME not only to make me like Christ! But He is also working THROUGH ME constantly to cause the growth of every single one of my dear brothers and sisters to be like Christ.
God works through us in such a way that the Temple of God is both "fitted" and "held together" by what every single one of us supplies. And He does this how?
"...according to the proper working of each individual part..."
Are you beginning to see this GLORIOUS TRUTH?
Jesus, after purchasing for us redemption, the Holy Spirit, and so much more on the cross, ascended into the highest point where He is seated and sent us the HOLY SPIRIT who distributes among the church specific and crucial gifts perfectly appointed for its particular good work which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them! And in return God is glorifed for being both the author and finisher of His Temple in which He dwells and will soon (Maranatha) dwell in the fullness of His glory!
I rejoice in this truth and I will continue to rejoice in this TRUTH!
And I rejoice in knowing that the Spirit inside of you rejoices with me! I would like to close with a passage of scripture I closed another blog with that I feel is applicable.
"Now to Him who is able to do for more abundantly beyond ALL that we ask or think, according to the POWER that works within US, to HIM be the GLORY in the Church and in Christ Jesus, to ALL GENERATIONS forever and ever! AMEN!"
-God through the Apostle Paul
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Modern Day Apostles and Prophets????
"Stephen, what in the world are you talking about! There is no such thing as a modern day apostle or prophet." I can already assume what the majority of my readers are going to say when seeing this title. However, as I continue in my venture I am compelled to be honest and share what interesting things I am learning from Ephesians as I dig into the word which God has given to us for us to grow.
So what am I talking about? "Where are you getting this topic in the first place", you may be asking.
Well it all started as I was meditating on Ephesians 4:7-16. Paul is now speaking of the unity of the church and the instruments God has ordained for the building up of it. So Paul speaks of the gifts that were given to the church from Christ. It reads, "But to each one of us grace was given, according to the measure of Christ's gift."
When were these gifts given you may ask. They were given at His ascension when He led the captive free and He sat down at the right hand of God. When Jesus sent His Spirit to the church these gifts were delegated to elect individuals that God chose for the very purpose of building up the church, the bride of Christ.
What are these gifts you may ask. Well the gifts listed off in Ephesians are listed in order of there authority I think. (See I Cor. 12:27-28) They are as follows: "and He gave some as apostles, and some prophets, and some as evangelist, and some as pastors and teachers.
What for, you may then ask. "For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;"(Eph. 4:12).
So what does this have to do with today? What does this have to do with Modern day apostle and prophets? Haven't these gifts ceased since the finishing of the New Testament? What in this context would even imply that these gifts of offices are still here today for the equipping of the saints and the building up of the body of Christ? Allow me to quote the next verse.
"UNTIL we ALL attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ." Eph. 4:13
Paul points out that these gifts of offices were given for the purpose of the equipping of the saints for the building up of the body of Christ (which is the Church) UNTIL everyone within the church has attained to the unity of the faith. Not only that but also until everyone has become a mature man to the measure of stature which belongs to the FULLNESS of Christ.
This is important to point out because I have never in all my years been taught or heard anyone speak of the Church arriving to this point nor would anyone be able to prove that every individual within the church has matured to point to the fullness of Christ. And there is good reason for this. For these things will not come about until Christ returns for His Bride(I John 3:2).
"So knowing this now what could this possibly mean?"
This was my question as I was coming to these truths. I began to think back of all the reasons I had believed otherwise, all the teaching I recieved explaining why these gifts were gone.
I was left unsatisfied.
I then went to commentarries but none of them venture to explain verse 13's first word "UNTIL".
The president of Emmaus (William MacDonald), President of Master's Seminary(Dr. John Mac Authur), renouned scholar from Trinity D.A. Carson, and good ol' Matthew Henry, at best attempted to explain how, because in Ephesians 2:20, they are the foundation of the church. That, therefore, must elimnate them from being around today. They also pointed out how the apostles all saw Christ and that this was requirement for one being an Apostle.
These are good points, however, when one is honest with this text with a biblical exegesis none of those clearly eliminate the possibilty of a modern day Apostle and Prophet.
Couldn't the Apostles and Prophet be the foundation of the church and still be offices for the edification of the church today? Couldn't modern day apostles see Christ as Paul did?
Although, I am not claiming that there are, these are all nonetheless fair possibilities scripturally. Are they not?
"So then Stephen, what ARE you claiming, or suggesting?"
What I am recommending to you, the reader, to study God's Word diligently and show me with plain and simple logic from scripture that there can't be a modern day apostle or prophet. For this is the dilemma I am having as well.
However, I will say this, there are testimonies from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of God doing miraculous things through individuals in other countries, such as China. Things that an apostle would do(II Cor. 12:12). And the church as a whole there view him as an apostle. Are we to call them liars? Are we to assume they are just primitive and possibly decieved? Or are we to believe their testimonies and rejoice with them that God is still moving in mighty ways through men that He has risen up for the purpose of the equipping of the saints and the building and perfecting of His bride the Church?
One book I suggest reading is "The Heavenly Man". It speaks of a brother who was miraculously saved and whom God has been working through to perform mighty works in China.
I request for you not to be so quick to "write someone off" as a liar or foolish for believing in God still raising up men whom He has entrusted these gifts to bring about His work in, through, and to the church.
Is it possible for there to be modern day apostles and prophets? You tell me. For I am just beginning my theology on this topic and what it could possibly mean.
God bless you all, and rejoice that, in either way, God is bringing about His work and He will finish His work in, through, and to the Church so that it may be presented to the Son: holy, blameless, and without blemish in the fullness of stature which belongs to Christ.
As a result, "we will no longer be children tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in decietful scheming. But speaking the TRUTH in love, we are to grow up in ALL aspects into Him who is the Head, Christ. From whom the whole body being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in Love." -God through the Apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus
I anxiously await this day with all hope and joy! and Rejoice in knowing my fellow brothers and sisters do as well! God bless!
So what am I talking about? "Where are you getting this topic in the first place", you may be asking.
Well it all started as I was meditating on Ephesians 4:7-16. Paul is now speaking of the unity of the church and the instruments God has ordained for the building up of it. So Paul speaks of the gifts that were given to the church from Christ. It reads, "But to each one of us grace was given, according to the measure of Christ's gift."
When were these gifts given you may ask. They were given at His ascension when He led the captive free and He sat down at the right hand of God. When Jesus sent His Spirit to the church these gifts were delegated to elect individuals that God chose for the very purpose of building up the church, the bride of Christ.
What are these gifts you may ask. Well the gifts listed off in Ephesians are listed in order of there authority I think. (See I Cor. 12:27-28) They are as follows: "and He gave some as apostles, and some prophets, and some as evangelist, and some as pastors and teachers.
What for, you may then ask. "For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;"(Eph. 4:12).
So what does this have to do with today? What does this have to do with Modern day apostle and prophets? Haven't these gifts ceased since the finishing of the New Testament? What in this context would even imply that these gifts of offices are still here today for the equipping of the saints and the building up of the body of Christ? Allow me to quote the next verse.
"UNTIL we ALL attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ." Eph. 4:13
Paul points out that these gifts of offices were given for the purpose of the equipping of the saints for the building up of the body of Christ (which is the Church) UNTIL everyone within the church has attained to the unity of the faith. Not only that but also until everyone has become a mature man to the measure of stature which belongs to the FULLNESS of Christ.
This is important to point out because I have never in all my years been taught or heard anyone speak of the Church arriving to this point nor would anyone be able to prove that every individual within the church has matured to point to the fullness of Christ. And there is good reason for this. For these things will not come about until Christ returns for His Bride(I John 3:2).
"So knowing this now what could this possibly mean?"
This was my question as I was coming to these truths. I began to think back of all the reasons I had believed otherwise, all the teaching I recieved explaining why these gifts were gone.
I was left unsatisfied.
I then went to commentarries but none of them venture to explain verse 13's first word "UNTIL".
The president of Emmaus (William MacDonald), President of Master's Seminary(Dr. John Mac Authur), renouned scholar from Trinity D.A. Carson, and good ol' Matthew Henry, at best attempted to explain how, because in Ephesians 2:20, they are the foundation of the church. That, therefore, must elimnate them from being around today. They also pointed out how the apostles all saw Christ and that this was requirement for one being an Apostle.
These are good points, however, when one is honest with this text with a biblical exegesis none of those clearly eliminate the possibilty of a modern day Apostle and Prophet.
Couldn't the Apostles and Prophet be the foundation of the church and still be offices for the edification of the church today? Couldn't modern day apostles see Christ as Paul did?
Although, I am not claiming that there are, these are all nonetheless fair possibilities scripturally. Are they not?
"So then Stephen, what ARE you claiming, or suggesting?"
What I am recommending to you, the reader, to study God's Word diligently and show me with plain and simple logic from scripture that there can't be a modern day apostle or prophet. For this is the dilemma I am having as well.
However, I will say this, there are testimonies from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of God doing miraculous things through individuals in other countries, such as China. Things that an apostle would do(II Cor. 12:12). And the church as a whole there view him as an apostle. Are we to call them liars? Are we to assume they are just primitive and possibly decieved? Or are we to believe their testimonies and rejoice with them that God is still moving in mighty ways through men that He has risen up for the purpose of the equipping of the saints and the building and perfecting of His bride the Church?
One book I suggest reading is "The Heavenly Man". It speaks of a brother who was miraculously saved and whom God has been working through to perform mighty works in China.
I request for you not to be so quick to "write someone off" as a liar or foolish for believing in God still raising up men whom He has entrusted these gifts to bring about His work in, through, and to the church.
Is it possible for there to be modern day apostles and prophets? You tell me. For I am just beginning my theology on this topic and what it could possibly mean.
God bless you all, and rejoice that, in either way, God is bringing about His work and He will finish His work in, through, and to the Church so that it may be presented to the Son: holy, blameless, and without blemish in the fullness of stature which belongs to Christ.
As a result, "we will no longer be children tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in decietful scheming. But speaking the TRUTH in love, we are to grow up in ALL aspects into Him who is the Head, Christ. From whom the whole body being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in Love." -God through the Apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus
I anxiously await this day with all hope and joy! and Rejoice in knowing my fellow brothers and sisters do as well! God bless!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Is God SELFISH for His glory?
For the past couple of months I have been working my way through Ephesians and I cannot help come to ask this question.
Is God "SELFISH" for His glory?
In the first chapter alone there are numerous references stating that God does these things for "His glory", "His purpose" , "His pleasure" and a number of other forms pointing back to Himself and His glory. This is truly amazing because for anyone to do this they would be understood as boastful, prideful, egotistical, and completely selfish.
So whats the deal here? How are we to follow in God's footsteps when it states He does this very thing. And how is God found to be righteous in doing this?
This is the conclusion I have come to in meditating on these passages. God is truly worth all that He PROCLAIMS. You see, He is found JUST in doing this very thing! He would be wrong in not doing so. For God not to seek to GLORIFY His name above all other things (first) would be idolatry.
It is wrong for us to be selfish for ourselves and to boast about ourselves because we are NOT by any means worthy of these proclamation (we are not God). For us to praise any other being than God is idolatry and for God to praise any other being (or place any other person as being more valuable) but Himself is also idolatry.
So, in ephesians where God has told us that HE chooses and works all things for His will, pleasure, or glory. God is essentially worshipping HIMSELF. He is glorying in HIMSELF. God is being selfish and HE will do it HIS way.
God is not a contigent being. However, we are! God's choice in us, God's plan of salvation before the foundations of the world is not bethwarted by any means! It is coming about just as HE has "predestined" it to be. And in this He rejoices! And yes!!!! I will rejoice with Him! For I know He is working all things together for according to His good pleasure! and what He desires is "good" and it is, what is, "best".
"Having predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, to HIMSELF, according to the 'good' pleasure of 'HIS' will. to the PRAISE of the glory of HIS grace."
-God through the Apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus
Is God "SELFISH" for His glory?
In the first chapter alone there are numerous references stating that God does these things for "His glory", "His purpose" , "His pleasure" and a number of other forms pointing back to Himself and His glory. This is truly amazing because for anyone to do this they would be understood as boastful, prideful, egotistical, and completely selfish.
So whats the deal here? How are we to follow in God's footsteps when it states He does this very thing. And how is God found to be righteous in doing this?
This is the conclusion I have come to in meditating on these passages. God is truly worth all that He PROCLAIMS. You see, He is found JUST in doing this very thing! He would be wrong in not doing so. For God not to seek to GLORIFY His name above all other things (first) would be idolatry.
It is wrong for us to be selfish for ourselves and to boast about ourselves because we are NOT by any means worthy of these proclamation (we are not God). For us to praise any other being than God is idolatry and for God to praise any other being (or place any other person as being more valuable) but Himself is also idolatry.
So, in ephesians where God has told us that HE chooses and works all things for His will, pleasure, or glory. God is essentially worshipping HIMSELF. He is glorying in HIMSELF. God is being selfish and HE will do it HIS way.
God is not a contigent being. However, we are! God's choice in us, God's plan of salvation before the foundations of the world is not bethwarted by any means! It is coming about just as HE has "predestined" it to be. And in this He rejoices! And yes!!!! I will rejoice with Him! For I know He is working all things together for according to His good pleasure! and what He desires is "good" and it is, what is, "best".
"Having predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, to HIMSELF, according to the 'good' pleasure of 'HIS' will. to the PRAISE of the glory of HIS grace."
-God through the Apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
God glories in me???
Over a month ago I was meditating on Ephesians chapter one and I came across the verse ,". . . so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power towards us who believe. . ." This caught my eye. In the context Paul is praying for the Ephesians he says, "For this reason, I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus, which exist among you, and your love for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you while making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power towards us who believe..." Paul in reflecting on the gospel and knowing that they believe and seeing their love for the saint rejoices and prays to the Father that He would give them a "spirit" of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. He prays that God would open the eyes of their heart so that they mayknow three things. What are those three things? First that they would know the hope of His calling. We learn more of this calling and what hopes are tied to it in the following chapters. But then he gives the second which is to know what are the riches of the glory of God inheritance in us the saints!!! This is UNBELIEVABLE! All my days I have been told of the riches of God and the glory of God and to glory in Him. But never that the Father glories in us?!?! How is this possible? What is it in me or in any of the saints for God to glory in? The answer is nothing! But yet He glories in His inheritance in us "the saints" because we have been redeemed by His sons blood! The value in us is in what we have been purchased with! The value in us is in what our redemptions communicates to all creation. The whole chapter continues to speak of God causing salvation on whom He chooses according to "His will" and according to "His purpose" and according to "His good pleasure". Then is goes on to say in verse13-14, "In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, having also believed you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the REDEMPTION of God's own POSSESSION, to the praise of His glory." This is in direct accordance with Paul's prayer and this is why he says in the following verse, "for this reason...". God can glory in us because we are the REDEEMING of His own possessions! God can glory in us because it is in us that the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness is made known in the ages to come. Because it is in the redeeming of us that God's manifold wisdom is made known in all the heavens and to the rulers and authorities there. God's glorying in us is virutally rejoicing in Himself and in His handy work and His glory being made known to all creation and in this God is glorified! This is how God can glory in His inheritance in the saints. Truly God is worthy of this glory and this praise is due Him.
Monday, April 2, 2007
The Fullness of God???
"...that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." God through the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians in chapter 3:19b
what does it mean to be filled up to all the fullness of God. Is not the believer the dwelling place of God? Surely he is, for it clearly states that at the conclusion of the previous chapter. So then what does this saying mean? In the context Paul has been dealing with Christ and His body. In particular the "mystery of Christ". He then states that the church of all things is the administration the Father has chosen to reveal the manifold wisdom of God to the "rulers and authorities in the heavenly places", thats quite a blessing and humbling responsibility. Paul then moves on to something that is linked to this topic, however, he is moving on to something new, this is why he states "for this reason..." and then goes on to speak of it. Paul's reason is to pray before the Father to grant strengthen all the saints with "power" through His "Spirit" in the "inner man". He then says the result of this is Christ dwells in our hearts. Here, Paul is pleading to the Father for the equipping and building up of all the saints. So then, how is a Christian sanctified? By God granting strength with POWER through HIS SPIRIT in our inner man. the result is quite beautiful. We come to understand the breadth, length, height, and depth of the Love of Christ. This Love of Christ surpasses knowledge. The other result of this is we are filled up to all the fullness of God. So what does this mean? I am still pondering this however it is my current positon to believe that this passage is dealing with the sanctification of the saint/believer. It is true that God indwells in all His saints. And it is not as though part of God is in us but part of Him is not. God cannot be fractioned into pieces, for He is spirit. However, the intensity by which He dwells in us can change. And this is the glorious part. When our Savior Christ Jesus returns, the fullness of God's GLORY will be in us. Can you imagine? It is utterly beautiful and amazing. No wonder Paul finds himself praying for this. No wonder he bowed his knees before the Father. This is why and how God has chosen the church to be the instrument by which He shows the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places His manifold wisdom. This passage is ultimately about God glorifying HIMSELF!!!! Oh what a mighty God we are blessed to serve. I would like to conclude with the rest of the passage.
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. to HIM be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever! AMEN!" Ephesians 3:20-21
what does it mean to be filled up to all the fullness of God. Is not the believer the dwelling place of God? Surely he is, for it clearly states that at the conclusion of the previous chapter. So then what does this saying mean? In the context Paul has been dealing with Christ and His body. In particular the "mystery of Christ". He then states that the church of all things is the administration the Father has chosen to reveal the manifold wisdom of God to the "rulers and authorities in the heavenly places", thats quite a blessing and humbling responsibility. Paul then moves on to something that is linked to this topic, however, he is moving on to something new, this is why he states "for this reason..." and then goes on to speak of it. Paul's reason is to pray before the Father to grant strengthen all the saints with "power" through His "Spirit" in the "inner man". He then says the result of this is Christ dwells in our hearts. Here, Paul is pleading to the Father for the equipping and building up of all the saints. So then, how is a Christian sanctified? By God granting strength with POWER through HIS SPIRIT in our inner man. the result is quite beautiful. We come to understand the breadth, length, height, and depth of the Love of Christ. This Love of Christ surpasses knowledge. The other result of this is we are filled up to all the fullness of God. So what does this mean? I am still pondering this however it is my current positon to believe that this passage is dealing with the sanctification of the saint/believer. It is true that God indwells in all His saints. And it is not as though part of God is in us but part of Him is not. God cannot be fractioned into pieces, for He is spirit. However, the intensity by which He dwells in us can change. And this is the glorious part. When our Savior Christ Jesus returns, the fullness of God's GLORY will be in us. Can you imagine? It is utterly beautiful and amazing. No wonder Paul finds himself praying for this. No wonder he bowed his knees before the Father. This is why and how God has chosen the church to be the instrument by which He shows the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places His manifold wisdom. This passage is ultimately about God glorifying HIMSELF!!!! Oh what a mighty God we are blessed to serve. I would like to conclude with the rest of the passage.
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. to HIM be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever! AMEN!" Ephesians 3:20-21
Welcoming All!!!
Hello and welcome to my new blog site. I hope you will take time to ponder along with me the Glories of God. I am dedicated this site to God as I study and examine His Word I hope to be a tool of His to proclaim the Unfathomable riches of Christ. Comments are much desired and any input is appreciated. I am currently going through Ephesians so as I meditate on His Word I will be posting on what I learn from there, or just blogging with what I have been pondering from this epistle God-breathed through the Apostle Paul. God bless!!! Thanks again for stopping by!
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